Tuesday, May 15, 2012


I'm a Christo-centric Trinitarian convinced
the universe is centered in relationship, the eternal Three fold Friendship of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Love is simply not just an attribute of God. God is Love it's self.

The early church fathers reffered to the perichoresis or the "Great Dance of God." When a mother cradles her child close to her breast, willing to sacrifice all for that tiny new life.. where does that love come from.... the bond of love between a grand parent and grand child... a group of people banded together to save a beached whale... why would a person on the other side of the planet sponser a aids child in Africa... where does that compassion come from... it all flows from the swirl of the Great Dance of God. We were created for the great dance... the invitation is there for us to partake and to share.

Aaron and Kartikka's love for each other and their desire to declare it publicly, (Jesus loves parties), is part of the great dance...

We experienced: a blessing that day... two families coming together...an occasi0n to learn... an opportunity to simply live out the life of THE ONE i desire to follow....and an opportunity to join in His dance...

God loves us, wants us to love each other and center our lives in THE WAY...who is also the Lord of the Dance...


motherhen said...

Love is so nice, beareth all things,et cet. It looks like the One who loves us the most is ready for us to enter into a new phase of the galaxy with energetic upheavals in weather greater than could be caused by our species alone but we gotta meet the challenge or join the dinosaurs. We may be forced to recognize the need for co-operation in these exciting times. This is gonna be so much fun to build NAWAPA, multiply, make the deserts bloom, wasn't there something said about the lion lying down with the lamb? There are no limits, only plateaus which you must get beyond. If you die getting over the plateau, you die. Your legacy (and energy?) remain.

Keep up the great leadership in these exciting times.

Unknown said...

thanx motherhen.. deep peace